Pasundan Food Technology Journal (PFTJ) <p align="justify"><strong>Pasundan Food Technology Journal</strong>&nbsp;(PFTJ) adalah majalah ilmiah yang berisi tulisan yang diangkat dari hasil penelitian dibidang teknologi pangan.&nbsp;<em>Pasundan Food Technology Journal</em>&nbsp;diharapkan dapat menjadi media untuk menyampaikan temuan dan inovasi ilmiah di bidang teknologi pangan kepada para praktisi di bidang pangan baik yang bergerak dibidang pendidikan maupun yang bergerak dibidang industri pangan.&nbsp;<strong><em>Pasundan Food Technology Journal</em></strong>&nbsp;diterbitkan tiga kali dalam setahun pada bulan Maret, Juli, dan November. Mulai Volume 1; dalam satu volume ada tiga nomor.</p> <p align="justify">Pasundan Food Technology Journal merupakan jurnal peer-reviewed dan open access journal yang berfokus pada bidang ilmu dan teknologi pangan. Fokus ini meliputi ruang lingkup yang terkait pada aspek: <strong>Teknologi Proses, Biokimia dan Gizi, Keteknikan, dan Kimia dan Analisis Pangan.&nbsp;</strong>Artikel dalam jurnal ini akan di review secara double blind review oleh sekurang-kurangnya dua orang reviewer/mitrabebestari. Para Reviewer kemudian membuat keputusan berdasarkan rekomendasi dengan beberapa kemungkinan: ditolak, revisi mayor, revisi minor, atau diterima. Keputusan diterima atau tidaknya naskah akan dilakukan pada forum sidang penyunting</p> Department of Food Technology, Universitas Pasundan, Bandung en-US Pasundan Food Technology Journal (PFTJ) 2356-1742 ANALISIS KUALITAS ES KRIM DENGAN PENAMBAHAN BUAH SENDUDUK <p><em>The function of this research is to analyze the quality of ice cream that is fruit senduduk as much 40gr, 80gr, 120gr to quality color, aroma, texture, and flavor. This type of research is purely experiment using the method of complete random design using three repetitions with 25 people semi trained panelists at the workshop Layout Boga Majors IKK, FPP, UNP in may 2018. Instrument used is the question form which is then analyzed by organoleptic testing beneath it through. to test the hypothesis using statistical test of ANAVA then proceeded with the test results of the study showed there was significant influence between 40gr, 80gr, 120gr on quality ice cream that is on the quality of the color and flavor of ice cream. While the aroma of milk, soft texture, sweetness, flavor, milk has no effect. The best percentage result is present on the addition of fruit senduduk on ice cream as much as 80 Gr. to quality color</em></p> Yolanda Intan Sari Copyright (c) 2023 Pasundan Food Technology Journal (PFTJ) 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 10 2 35 39 COMPARATIVE EFFECT OF WATERMELON SKIN (Citrullus lanatus (thunb.)) JUICE WITH MORINGA OLEIFERA LEAF JUICE AND CARAGENAN CONCENTRATION ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF JELLY DRINK <p>This research aims to obtain the right concentration of carrageenan and the ratio of watermelon rind juice to Moringa leaf juice to produce the best jelly drink characteristics. The benefit of this research is to increase the usability of watermelon rinds and Moringa leaves as a form of long-lasting processed food. Can increase local food productivity as food diversification. As well as providing information about making watermelon rind jelly drink with Moringa leaves. The experimental design used in this research was a randomized block design (RAK) with 9 treatments, each treatment repeated 3 times to obtain 27 experimental units. With the ratio factor of watermelon rind juice to moringa leaf juice p1 (1: 3), p2 (2 : 2), p3 (3 : 1) and the second factor is carrageenan concentration k1 (0.2%), k2 (0.25%), k3 (0.3%). The response in this research is a chemical response including determining potassium levels; Vitamin C; pH. Physical responses include viscosity; Syneresis; Color. Based on the research results, it shows that the ratio of watermelon rind juice to Moringa leaf juice has an effect on potassium levels, vitamin C levels, pH, viscosity and syneresis. The concentration of carrageenan affected pH, viscosity and syneresis, but had no effect on potassium and vitamin C levels. The interaction between the ratio of watermelon rind juice to Moringa leaves and the concentration of carrageenan had an effect on syneresis, but had no effect on potassium levels, vitamin C levels, pH and viscosity.</p> Neneng Suliasih Suliasih Copyright (c) 2023 Pasundan Food Technology Journal (PFTJ) 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 10 2 40 46 LOCAL MICROORGANISMS OF BANANA WEEVIL (Musa paradisiaca A.) USING RICE WASHING WATER MEDIA (Oryza sativa L.) WITH VARIATIONS IN THE CONCENTRATION OF SUCROSE FOR STRIPPING PEPPER SEEDS <p style="font-weight: 400;">Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan Mikroorganisme Lokal (MOL) bonggol pisang pada media air cucian beras dengan perbedaan konsentrasi sukrosa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan bonggol pisang yang direndam pada air cucian beras dengan variasi penambahan sukrosa sebanyak 0%, 5%, 10%, dan 15%. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap 24 jam selama 6 hari dengan parameter total mikroba dan pH. Nilai total mikroba tertinggi pada puncak Fase logaritmik secara keseluruhan didapat oleh konsentrasi sukrosa 15% dengan nilai total mikroba 2,42 x 10<sup>10</sup> cfu/mL atau setara dengan log 10,38 cfu/mL; diikuti perlakuan sukrosa 10% dengan jumlah koloni 2,53 x 10<sup>9</sup> cfu/mL atau setara dengan log 9,40 cfu/mL; konsentrasi sukrosa 5% menghasilkan jumlah koloni 2,46 x 10<sup>8</sup> cfu/mL atau setara dengan log 8,39 cfu/mL; serta nilai total mikroba terendah pada konsentrasi sukrosa 0% sebesar 2,70 x 10<sup>6 </sup>cfu/mL atau setara dengan log 7,39 cfu/mL.</p> Dede Zainal Arief Copyright (c) 2023 Pasundan Food Technology Journal (PFTJ) 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 10 2 47 50 PERUBAHAN MUTU BUAH PEPAYA (CARICA PAPAYA L) VARIETAS IPB 9 (CALINA) SELAMA PENYIMPANAN PASCA SIMULASI TRANSPORTASI <p><em>Papaya (Carica Papaya L.) IPB 9 (calina) variety has thick, sweet flesh and high productivity. During the transportation process of papaya fruit, mechanical damage (bruises, abrasions, weight loss) and physiological damage often occur which can cause papaya fruit to experience a decrease in the quality of papaya during storage before consumption. The purpose of this study was to determine changes in the quality of papaya fruit after transportation simulation. The research design used a randomized block design (RAK) with the treatment of the position of the fruit in the packaging which was stored horizontally (KS1) and vertically (KS2) during the transportation simulation process. After transport simulation, the papayas were stored at 18-20oC for 12 days. The quality measurement results for weight loss after 12 days of storage for KS1 reached 7.34% and KS2 reached 7.43%. The results of hardness measurements after 12 days of storage for KS1 were 0.84 kgf and KS2 were 0.76 kgf. The results of measuring the skin color of papaya fruit after 12 days of storage showed a decrease in the freshness of the papaya fruit but it was still suitable for consumption. The measurement results for the total dissolved solids content after 12 days of storage for KS1 reached 11.45% and KS2 reached 11.32%.</em></p> <p> </p> Pandu Legawa Ismaya Copyright (c) 2023 Pasundan Food Technology Journal (PFTJ) 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 10 2 51 56 KAJIAN UMUR SIMPAN BUMBU SERBUK JAMUR TIRAM (PLEUROTUS OSTREATUS) MENGGUNAKAN METODE ACCELERATED SHELF-LIFE TESTING (ASLT) <p style="font-weight: 400;">Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui umur simpan bumbu serbuk jamur tiram pada suhu penyimpanan yang berbeda menggunakan metode Accelerated Shelf – Life Testing (ASLT) model Arrhenius.Dimana untuk mendapatkan bumbu serbuk jamur tiram metode pengeringannya digunakan metode foam mat dryingPenelitian dibagi dalam dua tahap yaitu penelitian pendahuluan dan penelitian utama. Penelitian pendahuluan dilakukan untuk menentukan formulasi yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian utama dengan membandingkan kadar air, nilai rendemen dan tingkat kesukaan konsumen. Pada penelitian utama dilakukan metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penerapan metode Accelerated Shelf – Life Testing (ASLT) model Arrhenius terhadap umur simpan bumbu serbuk jamur tiram berdasarkan parameter kadar air dan total mikroba.Hasil dari penelitian berdasarkan kadar air menunjukkan bahwa bumbu serbuk jamur tiram yang disimpan pada suhu 25 memiliki umur simpan 201 hari, pada suhu 35 memiliki umur simpan 139 hari, dan pada suhu 45 memiliki umur simpan 98 hari. Berdasarkan total mikroba menunjukkan bahwa bumbu serbuk jamur tiram yang disimpan pada suhu 25 memiliki umur simpan 101 hari, pada suhu 35 memiliki umur simpan 54 hari, dan pada suhu 45 memiliki umur simpan 30 hari.</p> Sumartini Copyright (c) 2023 Pasundan Food Technology Journal (PFTJ) 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 10 2 57 63 NUTRITION AND ANTIOXIDANT ANALYSIS OF RAW AND STEAMED TUBES FROM GANYONG (Canna edulis Kerr.) LEMBANG LOCAL CULTIVER <p>This study aims to analyze the nutritional and antioxidant content of raw and cooked canna tubers (steamed) of the local Lembang cultivar, agricultural products of Pasir Angling, Suntenjaya Village, Lembang District, West Bandung Regency. The method used is chemical analysis to determine the content of nutritional values of the tuber such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats and also the total antioxidant content (DPPH). The results showed that canna steamed tubers had higher nutritional and antioxidant content compared to raw tubers. This shows that the cooking process can affect the content of nutrients and antioxidants in canna tubers. Consequently, Ganyong steamed tubers can be considered as a source of nutrients and antioxidants that are beneficial to human health.</p> Rini Triani Nabila Marthia Shalli Nurhawa Ina Siti Nurminabari Copyright (c) 2023 Pasundan Food Technology Journal (PFTJ) 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 10 2 64 69