

  • Iis Saidah Politeknik Piksi Ganesha


Kata Kunci:

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Mass media, Bussiness Comunication, Ayo Bandung, 10 keys


Abstract This study aims to contsruct  a  mass media bussiness industry model  in the era of artificial intelligence (AI) development in Indonesia. The development of artificial inteligence technology in Indodesia, espesially in mass media industry, makes it possible to apply this technology. The  object of the study in mass media bussiness industry model  in AI development era is bussiness communication  and  the  subjects are informants  from mass media who apply digital in running their bussines. This study was designed as qualitative study with contsruction paradigm  and case study analysis. The results of the study are 1). The bussiness industry concept of mass media “Ayo Bandung” in the era of AI development  have a role as bussiness booster “Ayo Media” in an integrated solution communication bussiness with one window service concept. Ayo Bandung develops an online news and through more social media  actively with news content more focus on regional news  emphasizing  in  basic bussiness aspect, target market and creativity  looking for ideas for creating regeneration 2). Mass media bussiness industry model whichis Ayo Bandung have 10 keys the era of  artificial intelligence development, including Customer Segment​, Value Proposition, Channels, Customer Relationship, Revenue Streams, Key Resource,  Key Activities, Key Partnership,  Cost Structure dan Technology Applied  


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