
  • Rai Bagus UPI
  • Euis Nicky Marniatnti, Marniatnti Universitas Widyatama




CONTRUCTION OF MEDIA SARCASM IN INDONESIA: TITLE OF REPOTINH ON REYNHAD SINAGA SEXUAL HARASSMENT CASE   Rai Bagus Triadi1, Universitas Pamulang1 Molikejora12@gmail.com,   Euis Nicky Marnianti Suhendar2 Universitas Widyatama2 enickyms@gmail.com   ABSTRACT Beginning in 2020 Indonesian citizens were shocked by a report about a case of sexual harassment committed by one Indonesian citizen who lives in the city of Manchester, England. The harassment was committed by someone who is male by raping the same sex with an amount that can be said to be very fantastic. In this case the mass media is very influential to add to the liveliness of this case into a viral even lead to a variety of perspectives, both psychologically, academically and social attitudes of the Indonesian people. The news process carried out by online mass media in Indonesia has a lot of confusion, both regarding the number of victims, motives, processes, both the background of the harasser. Moreover, the issue of choosing diction in the headline has the strongest power to carry out public excitement over the confusion of reporting on the case. As we know, this is based on the hypothesis of Indonesian people's habit of reading the contents when the headline is interesting and giving rise to multiple interpretations. This illustration of this research attempts to describe the construction of online mass media in Indonesia through the selection of diction on the title of a sarcastic news. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach using Norman Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis theory, and Raymond William's ideological theory. The Norman Faiclogh CDA theory in this study is used to interpret the forms of sarcasm contained in the title of the news, while Raymond William's theory seeks to link the contextual case realization that occurs with the forms of confusion in the online media in Indonesia. This research uses as many as 20 news titles data from various online sites that report sexual harassment by Reynhad Sinaga. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that there are forms of sarcasm in the selection of diction on the title of case reporting conducted by Reynhard Sinaga. This was done to provide a setigma to the community about same-sex sex. Furthermore, the theory of public scrutiny hegemony carried out by news writers includes the appearance of someone who is criticized as he likes the same sex, a high level of academic education does not guarantee the religious and moral values possessed by those concerned, as well as the stigma of alma mater of same-sex rapists.   Keynote: Sarcasm, online media, CDA


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