
  • R. Panca Pertiwi Hidayati Universitas Pasundan
  • Aries Setia Nugraha



Problems in the ability to write experienced by students are strongly influenced by various factors, including the teacher's factor in choosing a learning model. The selection of learning models is highly dependent on the competencies that students will achieve. For this reason, in learning short story writing, a model must be chosen that can make it easier for students to write with various efforts, including intermediary to continue the story through crisis orientation in the storyline. To do that, this study implements the Problem Based Learning model.  This study aims to determine the implementation of the problem-based learning model in learning to continue the end of crisis-oriented short stories. The research method used is a mix method.' This research was carried out in class XI of SMA Handayani 1 Pameungpeuk. The instrument used in this study was an essay test. The instruments are categorized as vaid and reliable after statistical testing (validity and reliability). The calculation of this study is through the average test of the pretest and posttest classes, knowing the max value and minimum value, and testing the hypothesis with a paired t-test sample. The results showed that student activities increased with an average pretest score of 44.90 and an average posttest of 78.10, and the results of the gain hypothesis test were probability values or Signs. (2-tailed) 0.00<0.05. The magnitude of the impact on the improvement of continuing crisis-oriented short stories is shown by the results of hypothesis tests that state differences in data on pretetst and posttest results and show the results of increased learning by looking at the average of each activity. Thus the problem-based learning model can be used as an alternative learning model used to improve the ability to write short stories.


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