Symmetry: Pasundan Journal of Research in Mathematics Learning and Education <p align="justify">The contents of this journal are publications of the results of thoughts of practitioners and experts in learning and mathematics education both substantially and or internationally standardized mathematics education research results both in schools and in universities. It is hoped that this journal can contribute thoughts and be a reference for mathematics education research and policy for the achievement of improving the quality of mathematics education at both the school and college level. In addition, the authors can collect cumulative for higher functional levels, which in turn can improve the quality of human resources in mathematics education research in general.</p> <p align="justify"><strong>Focus and Scope.</strong> This journals is an international journal, publishing original refereed articles on all aspects of mathematics education. Papers should address the central issues in terms which are of relevance across educational systems and informed by wider thinking in the field. The journal has three sections, covering research papers, book reviews, and current reports. The&nbsp;<strong>Research Papers</strong>&nbsp;section contains reports of studies involving empirical investigation and theoretical argumentation from which conclusions and implications can be drawn for future research and practice. Such reports are expected to show how the study builds on critical review of relevant literature and to provide an account of the methods and procedures used. Reports on thoughtful replications or variations of key earlier studies are welcome, as are critical reviews of some well-defined aspect of mathematics education. The journal welcomes high-quality research in any methodological tradition and is open to innovative and unusual approaches. All submissions are peer-reviewed.</p> en-US <p>Hak Cipta sepenuhnya ditangan <strong>jurnal.</strong></p> (Beni Yusepa Ginanjar Putra) (Dr. Thesa Kandaga, S.Si. M.Pd.) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 LEARNING DESIGN TO SUPPORT MATHEMATICAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS: A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS WITH LITERATURE REVIEW <p>This research aims to analyze research trends related to learning designs to support mathematical communication, look for learning designs that have a significant effect on developing mathematical communication skills, and provide recommendations for research on learning designs to support mathematical communication that have never been carried out. By using bibliometric analysis and literature review methods, the results showed that based on the publication trend of mathematical communication articles in 2013-2023, there was an increase from 2013 - 2019, which means that many researchers are interested in researching learning design (both media and learning models) to help develop abilities. students' mathematical communication. However, there is a fairly stable decreasing trend from 2019 – 2023, which means that from 2019 until this year researchers are starting to become less interested in researching this topic. . Based on the results of the literature review, the learning design that has a significant influence on developing mathematical communication skills is the use of the RME learning model and the recommendation for research on learning designs to support mathematical communication that needs to be carried out is research related to research design, namely DDR.</p> Tri Sedya Febrianti, Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan, Siti Fatimah Copyright (c) 2023 Symmetry: Pasundan Journal of Research in Mathematics Learning and Education Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISIS KEMAMPUAN PENALARAN MATEMATIS DITINJAU DARI KEMANDIRIAN BELAJAR PADA MODEL PEMBELAJARAN STUDENT FACILITATOR AND EXPLAINING (SFE) DENGAN METODE FLIPPED LEARNING BERBANTUAN GOOGLE CLASSROOM <p style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to analyze the quality of mathematics learning after applying the Student Facilitator Explaining Learning Model with the Google Classroom-Assisted Flipped Learning Method on mathematical reasoning abilities in terms of student learning independence. The data collection techniques used are test methods, documentation, questionnaires, and observations. The research instruments used are mathematical reasoning ability test questions, liket scales of learning independence, observation sheets and learning implementation. In this study, quantitative research methods with purposive sampling technique research samples and obtained VII A as an experimental class and VII B as a control class. With the results of research (1) quality Google Classroom-assisted SFE learning on students' mathematical reasoning abilities (2) There is a strong influence of student learning independence on mathematical reasoning abilities in the Student Facilitator and Explaining learning model Assisted by <em>Google Classroom</em>.</p> Deby Khardita, Isnarto, Tri Sri Noor Asih, Arief Agoestanto Copyright (c) 2023 Symmetry: Pasundan Journal of Research in Mathematics Learning and Education Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW: MATHEMATICAL CRITICAL THINKING ABILITY IN THE STUDENT FACILITATOR AND EXPLAINING (SFE) LEARNING MODEL <p>The purpose of writing this article is to explain the relationship between the Student Facilitator and Developing (SFE) learning model in mathematics learning and students' critical thinking abilities. The method used in this study is Literary Study. The literature study is carried out by searching various written sources, in the form of books, archives, magazines, articles and journals, or documents that are relevant to the problem being studied. By using 10 articles that have met the inclusion criteria, namely research subjects of middle school - high school students, meeting synta 1-4 and in the years 2013-2023. These articles were searched using national and international journal databases, namely Google Scholar, Garuda, Researchgate, Scopus and Science Direct. The findings showed that junior high school students' abilities in mathematical critical thinking skills were influenced after using the Student Facilitator and Developing (SFE) learning model. For further research, we can examine more broadly the use of the SFE model and its influence in critical mathematical thinking at various levels of educational units.</p> Sirilivia Khunaeni, Zaenuri Mastur, Walid, Scolastika Mariani, Putriaji Hendikawati Copyright (c) 2023 Symmetry: Pasundan Journal of Research in Mathematics Learning and Education Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PENGEMBANGAN PEMBELAJARAN DENGAN PENDEKATAN PMRI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN LITERASI MATEMATIS BERBUDAYA LOKAL JAKARTA <p><em>The results of the preliminary study show that students' mathematical literacy skills on the topic probability was low. This is caused by teachers' conservative teaching methods and students who are not familiar with literacy matters. The presentation of opportunity material is not fully adequate to guide students in learning. This research aims to develop learning designs with a Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) approach with local Jakarta culture on opportunity material using the Gravemeijer and Cobb model which consists of three stages, namely experimental preparation), experimental implementation), and retrospective analysis. The research subject was Health Vocational School Mulia Karya Husada class XI. The learning design in question is a learning path known as Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT). HLT is a learning flow consisting of learning objectives, learning activities, and learning process hypotheses to predict how students think and understanding will develop in the context of learning activities. The research results show that there was an increase in students mathematical literacy abilities.</em></p> Rina Kurniawaty, Makmuri, Meiliasari Copyright (c) 2023 Symmetry: Pasundan Journal of Research in Mathematics Learning and Education Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PUZZLE GEOMETRI DATAR BERBASIS KEARIFAN LOKAL DI SEKOLAH DASAR <p><em>This research aims to determine the validity of puzzle media and the feasibility of mathematical puzzle media based on local wisdom in flat shape material in class IV in elementary schools and to find our student’s responses to the use of local wisdom based mathematical puzzle media in flat shape material in class IV elementary school. This research ures the ADDIE model research method which consists of five development stages, namely: analysis stage, design stage, development stage, impelementation stage and evaluation stage. The field trial was carried out in class IV of SDN 2 Korleko Selatan with 12 students as respondents. The data obtained in the research are qualitative and quantitative data. Data collection instruments include validation sheets and student response questionnaires. The results include: in media expert validation, they obtained a total score of 50, with an average score of 3.66 with good categories/criteria in the score range and 40.8 &lt; 54, with and average score of 4.15 in the good category which is in the score range of 47, 58 </em><em>&nbsp;58,74 in the good category. Therefore, the resulting learning media is suitable for use to obtain data in field trials. Based on the results of student responses carried out during field trials, the results of student response questionnaire on learning media had a total score of 700, indicating good students responses with an average of 47,58 </em><em>&nbsp;X </em><em>&nbsp;58,7. in the good category.</em></p> Zuhrotul Aini, Donna Boedi Maritasari, Musabihatul Kudsiah Copyright (c) 2023 Symmetry: Pasundan Journal of Research in Mathematics Learning and Education Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW: PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA BERBASIS E-LEARNING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN LITERASI MATEMATIS SISWA INDONESIA <p>This study aims to describe the results of research on e-learning based mathematics learning to improve students' mathematical literacy in Indonesia. The method used in this study is a systematic literature review (SLR) by searching for articles using the Harzing's Publish or Perish application from Google Scholar and Scopus databases. The articles consists of 20 national and international articles indexed by SINTA and Scopus which were published in 2020-2023. The results of the study show that research related to e-learning-based mathematics learning to improve mathematical literacy has received quite good attention in recent years, indicated by research trends that continue to increase in the period 2020-2023. The majority of research was conducted at the junior high school level with the most used materials were trigonometry, statistics and quadrilaterals. The literature study was dominated by Java and Bali using quantitative research methods. Most of the research used the blended learning model and Google Classroom e-learning media, and e-learning based mathematics learning can be used effectively to increase students' mathematical literacy in Indonesia.</p> Arifatunnisak, Bambang Eko Susilo Copyright (c) 2023 Symmetry: Pasundan Journal of Research in Mathematics Learning and Education Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 KEMAMPUAN REPRESENTASI MATEMATIS PADA SISWA INDONESIA BERDASARKAN KARAKTERISTIK CARA BERPIKIR: SISTEMATIK LITERATUR REVIEW <p>The purpose of this study is to describe the results of mathematical representation ability based on the characteristics of ways of thinking. The method used in this research is a Systematic Literature Review (SLR). The data in this study amounted to 9 publications related to mathematical representation ability based on the characteristics of ways of thinking. The publication data are publications indexed by SINTA or Google Scholar, published in the range of 2018-2023, and located in Indonesia. The description in this study was reviewed based on the year of publication, journal index, publication media, methods used, education level of the research subject, research location, and research results. Through SLR, it was obtained that the most publications on mathematical representation ability based on the characteristics of ways of thinking occurred in 2019, repositories and Google Scholar became the publication media that published the most research, and qualitative methods became the most dominating method in this study, junior high school students became the most research subjects used as samples in this study, and the island of Java became the most dominant research location in Indonesia related to this research. In addition, it can be concluded that each student is unique in their thinking characteristics.</p> <p><strong>keyword:</strong> Mathematical Representation Ability, The Characteristics of Ways of Thinking, SLR</p> Clara fadhilah Inayah, Dadan Dasari Copyright (c) 2023 Symmetry: Pasundan Journal of Research in Mathematics Learning and Education Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 RESPON SISWA TERHADAP MODEL PEMBELAJARAN RECIPROCAL TEACHING <p>ABSTRACT<br>This research aims to determine students' responses to mathematics learning using the Reciprocal Teaching learning model. The population in this study were all class XI students of Lampang Integrated Vocational School with a sample of class XI OTKP as an experiment. The experimental class was given learning using the Reciprocal Teaching model to determine student responses to mathematics learning and mathematics questions. The instrument used in the research was a non-test in the form of a questionnaire. Questionnaires were distributed after the Reciprocal Teaching lesson was carried out to find out whether students' responses in learning mathematics and filling in mathematics questions increased. The scale used in this research is the Likert scale. Based on the results of the data in this study, it shows that students' responses to mathematics learning using the Reciprocal Teaching model gave a positive response with an average score of 3.1. Students' responses to mathematics learning gave a positive response with an average score of 3.4. Students' responses to mathematics questions gave a positive response with an average score of 3.2. So it can be concluded that the Reciprocal Teaching learning model can be used as an alternative in mathematics learning that can arouse students' enthusiasm and interest.</p> Ika Sriyanti Copyright (c) 2023 Symmetry: Pasundan Journal of Research in Mathematics Learning and Education Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 APPLICATION OF GUIDED DISCOVERY LEARNING (GDL) MODEL IN AN EFFORT TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITY <p>This research was motivated by the low mathematical problem solving ability of students. The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of better mathematical problem solving skills in students whose learning uses the Guided Discovery Learning (GDL) model with students whose learning uses conventional models, as well as to determine students' attitudes towards mathematics learning using Guided Discovery Learning (GDL). The method used in this study is a quasi-experimental method with a nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Based on the results of normalized gain data processing using t-tests and a significance level of 5%, results were obtained to increase the mathematical problem solving ability of students whose learning using the Guided Discovery Learning (GDL) model was better than conventional models. Based on the processing of student attitude questionnaire data obtained, it can be concluded that student attitudes are positive towards mathematics learning with the Guided Discovery Learning (GDL) model.</p> Yusfita Yusuf, Lia Yuliawati, Ridika Hasna Gumelar Copyright (c) 2023 Symmetry: Pasundan Journal of Research in Mathematics Learning and Education Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN PEMAHAMAN MATEMATIS PESERTA DIDIK SD MELALUI MODEL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING BERBANTUAN MEDIA ARTICULATE STORYLINE <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to determine the increase in mathematical understanding abilities in class II elementary school students through a problem based learning model assisted by articulate storyline media. The research method used is quasi-experimental research with a pre-test and post-test one group design research design. The research was aimed at class II students at SDN 066 Halimun, Bandung City. The population in this study was all class II students at SDN 066 Halimun. The research sample taken was class II-C as many as 20 people. The data collection techniques used in this research are mathematical ability description tests, observation and documentation. Researchers carried out data analysis by testing hypotheses using SPSS Statistics 26.0 for windows software. Based on the research results, an overview of the learning process using Articulate Storyline media with the problem based learning model is going well. From the results of the hypothesis test, it was concluded that there was a significant difference between the ability to understand mathematical concepts before and after using the problem based learning model assisted by articulate storyline media. There is an increase in students' mathematical understanding ability from the results of the normalized gain test, namely 0.45 with a moderate improvement category.</p> Siti Maryam Rohimah, Yusup Nurdiansah, Sarah Anida Putri, Salma Nur Anaya Copyright (c) 2023 Symmetry: Pasundan Journal of Research in Mathematics Learning and Education Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 SPATIAL ABILITY IN MIDDLE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS LEARNING: SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW (SLR) <p>Spatial ability is the cognitive process of seeing an item and building relationships between that item and its surroundings. This ability is an important element in learning mathematics that can be applied to various problems in life. The purpose of this study was to analyze published articles on spatial abilities from 2012 to 2022. This research uses the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method which is used to collect primary data related to spatial abilities published on the Google Scholar search engine. Data selection was based on the journal index, year of publication, education level, sample size, research location, and research materials. From the research results, it was found that the most published research was in 2018 and the most applied to geometry teaching materials. The results also show that most research on spatial abilities is conducted on the island of Java at the junior high school level. From this study it is also recommended that similar research be carried out outside Java and use elementary, high school, university levels, and also use statistics, algebra, and arithmetic materials.</p> Candra Ena, Sufyani Prabawanto , Dadang Juandi , Rani Sugiarni Copyright (c) 2023 Symmetry: Pasundan Journal of Research in Mathematics Learning and Education Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF PROJECT-BASED LESSON STUDY IN THE FORM OF INFOGRAPHICS AND 4C SKILLS ON LEARNING OUTCOMES RESEARCH METHODOLOGY WITH STUDENT MOTIVATION COVARIABLES <p><em>The lessons that can be used to solve teacher problems in this pandemic era is Lesson Study (LS) learning which can be projects Infoghrafic presentations and 4C (Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Creativity and Innovation, Communication, dan Collaboration) thinking skills on research methodology. The purpose of this study is to further project-based LS learning is infoghrafic form in order to increase students' motivation and 4C thinking skills. This research uses Lesson Study has: preparing, performing, reflecting (checking) and follow up (act). The research design used was quasi-experiment, single factor independent groups design with use of covariate. The subject of this study was students of STKIP La Tansa Mashiro with the sample used totaling 46 students and technique used purposive sampling. The data in this study were using the Non-test and test. Data were analyzed test using the Anava One Way, Anacova and Product moment. The results, that: 1) there was LS learning which of projects through Infoghrafic presentations on 4C learning on reaserch of methodology. 2) There was the effect LS learning which of projects through Infoghrafic presentations on 4C learning on reaserch of methodology with students motivation covariable. 3) There was a significant effect between students motivation and reaserch of methodology. The results that LS learning which of projects through Infoghrafic presentations on 4C learning on reaserch of methodology and there is contribution students motivation towards learning outcomes in on methodology</em><em>.</em></p> Dwi Yulianto Copyright (c) 2023 Symmetry: Pasundan Journal of Research in Mathematics Learning and Education Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW : ANALISIS PENERAPAN MODEL PROJECT-BASED LEARNING TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN KOMUNIKASI MATEMATIS DAN SELF-CONFIDENCE SISWA <p>The purpose of this study was to analyze the application of the project-based learning (PjBL) model to students' mathematical communication skills and self-confidence. The research method used is a systematic literature review (SLR), meaning that this research is the result of a systematic review of literature on related topics. A search for relevant articles was carried out in article published from 2016 to 2022 which examine project-based learning, mathematical communication and self-confidence. The literature review comes from online articles from Google Scholar and Mendeley. Based on the research results, there is a positive impact on the application of the project- based learning (PjBL) model on students' mathematical communication abilities and self- confidence. Among them are student-centered learning, learning becomes more meaningful, students can explore knowledge, relate to contextual problems, are active and enthusiastic in discussing</p> Agus Dede Anggiana, Vici Suciawati, Taufik Rahman Copyright (c) 2023 Symmetry: Pasundan Journal of Research in Mathematics Learning and Education Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN KONEKSI MATEMATIS SISWA SMP MELALUI MODEL DISCOVERY LEARNING BERBANTUAN QUIZIZZ <p><em>Students' mathematical connection skills are still relatively low and still need improvement. To optimize mathematical connections in students, it is necessary to find a solution. One of the alternatives that can be taken by applying the Discovery Learning model. This study aims to determine the increase in mathematical connection skills of students who get the Discovery Learning model assisted by Quizizz higher than students who get conventional learning models, and determine the effectiveness of the Discovery Learning model assisted by Quizizz on mathematical connection skills. The method used in this research is a pseudo-experimental method (quasi) with a non-equivalent control group design research design, the research sample consists of two classes, class VIII H as an experimental class that gets learning with the Discovery Learning model assisted by Quizizz and class VIII G as a control class that gets a conventional learning model. The instrument used in this study is a description of the mathematical connection ability test. The results showed that the increase in mathematical connection skills of students who obtained the Discovery Learning learning model assisted by Quizizz was higher than students who obtained the conventional learning model, and the Discovery Learning model learning assisted by Quizizz was effective on mathematical connection skills. Thus, the Discovery Learning model assisted by Quizizz helps improve and see the effectiveness of students' mathematical connection skills.</em></p> Dianing Anugerah, Darta, Jusep Saputra Copyright (c) 2023 Symmetry: Pasundan Journal of Research in Mathematics Learning and Education Fri, 12 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700